artbycarlos's avatar


Carlos Cabrera
102 Deviations

This a quick step by step video about a simple composition. No audio this time, it's an old video. I hope you like it and drop me a comment to keep posting this kind of info :)

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Te pueden tirar, te pueden linchar, te pueden arrastrar y pisotear.Puedes sentir que tu país no te ayuda, que nadas en contra de una gran corriente de incoherentes, pero así y todo algo te dice que tenés que seguir. Algo dentro tuyo te dice que debes seguir nadando, aunque no veas una orilla cerca o aunque todo el mundo te diga que no lo vas a lograr.

Pero así es la vida, hoy estas abajo y mañana estarás arriba, es preferible conocer como es abajo para nunca más volver ahí. La vida de un artista no es fácil, uno debe luchar contra demasiados obstáculos, mil miedos y mucha frustración, pero mierda que vale la pena cuando ese dibujo todo mal hecho al fin toma la forma que deseamos. Luego de tantos intentos vemos que subimos un escalón y nadie puede robarnos esa sensación, al igual que ese primer cliente que logramos por nuestra cuenta o ese primer comentario agradeciendo un tutorial. Muchos creen que jamás llegarán a lograr lo que desean o pintar como tal o cual, pero el esfuerzo y la dedicación que se le pone diariamente a lo que realmente amamos es lo que cuenta, porque van a llegar a donde quieran si realmente lo desean y trabajan para ello. Van a fallar mil veces y van a estar otras tantas de rodillas preguntandose si vale la pena seguir, si es una carrera de la cual podrán vivir... Y aunque todo diga lo contrario, y todas las personas que conozcan los hagan dudar, algo en ustedes les dirá que sigan intentando, quizás muchos por necesidad tengan que trabajar de otra cosa mientras en su tiempo extra sigan dibujando. Pero aúnasíi podrán dar ese paso extra aunque sientan que tarden más, porque van a seguir intentando y tarde o temprano van a llegar a esa meta que setearon mentalmente.

No se comparen con otros dibujantes, busquen su estilo, porque con el bombardeo de información en internet es muy facil sentirse frustrado. Enfoquense en artistas que les gusten, elijan no más de 5 y estudienlos, cómo logran cada pincelada o cada trazo, traten de imitar eso hasta que les salga. Pero si absorben miles de artistas por día, y todos sienten que son mejores que ustedes van a terminar scroleando el facebook durante todo el día sin producir nada. La frustración es el enemigo más duro de vencer para un dibujante, porque puede dejarte sin pintar nada durante días o semanas, pero uno mismo que instala esa frustración consumiendo demasiados estilos en poco tiempo. Antes uno tenía un comic, una tapa o un póster y lo estudiaba diariamente, lo copiaba, trataba de imitar todo lo que veía de un solo dibujo. Ahora cambió, ahora la facilidad de tener todo a la mano nos deforma en un ente improductivo, que siente que da 2 pasos cuando los demás dieron 60.

Pero es todo un espejismo, cada paso que se logra por el camino que se trazó es invaluable, cada uno tiene su camino y cada cual lo transita como puede. Algunos tendrán más o menos obstáculos, otros llegarán a la mitad en menos tiempo, pero no estamos compitiendo... eso lo crea el espejismo de la nueva internet.

No voy a decirles la trillada frase de "dibuja cada día 20hs y lograrás ser un pro en poco tiempo" porque cada cual tiene sus tiempos, solo puedo decirles que hoy se sentirán o estarán abajo, pero no duden que si no renuncian mañana estarán donde soñaron.

Sigan dibujando y sigan pensando proyectos propios, dejen de consumir tanta información y disfruten de su tiempo libre que los años se van y hoy es el mejor día para aprender, practicar y producir :)

Creo que Frank lo resume mejor que yo :P
That's life
I tell ya, I can't deny it,
I thought of quitting baby,
But my heart just ain't gonna buy it..."

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Sacrifaz step by artbycarlos

Here you can see some of the steps of my painting "sacrifaz"

I started with a simple grey values and a little area of color to focus the view on the head, the client like it but was afraid that the weight on the illustration focus all the attention at the bottom of the image.

Color Sketch and fix:
Here I changed the camera angle to add more action to the scene, in the past sketch the creature looks like it was waiting that the boat enter alone to it mouth, so I keep the idea but with a more action camera angle. I decided to lose the big horns and add more mouth.

1st pass Render:
I was a little short of time so I painted directly on greys, is not a good idea if you want variations on your illustration but this technique saves some time for me. As you can see here I changed the boat angle to evade paint all the little sailors dying on him and focus more on the sea creature. I add some fog and the client asked separate layers (I hate that) so that's why the back part of the body looks still less integrated with the background.

2nd pass Render and fix with a new idea:
Yeah, I know what you are thinking, what the hell is that cow in the face of the creature!? XD Well, I was looking for some texture and this little fellow appear and I thought.. hey, that fish eye camera looks cool on that cow.. mmmm let's try add that face to my painting.
And as you can see the face looks strong and scary with that angle, so I started to repaint the creature face over this crazy cow xD

And this is the final painting as you can see on my gallery! :)
I hope you like it and I will post more info and step by step on my journal :D

Sacrifaz Regular by artbycarlos

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Blown engine

4 min read
Work by artbycarlos

Now I have some free time I was researching some info about why some artists have a better life than others, of course we have some big differences as language, countries, and age. A third world country artist has a harder way up on his career because all the oppression that a nation can do on us, is not an excuse because great artists born on shitty countries and became successful on their art. So why some people can live a better life working of what they love than others? Well without think on social problems, taxes or even family, some people has the clear vision to understand that we are like can accelerate to the top and in the end you will blown your engine off. We have limits, no matter how young, experienced or badass you are, we have some limits.
So it's true that phrase that all professional artists and professors says? Work everyday, every minute in your art to be better on the future? I think it's true but with minor changes. Do you feel that sometimes watch a movie or read a book.. even play a game is something that is not correct? because you are wasting your time instead of using that precious time to keep practicing? I have that feeling daily, and I worked on the game industry and film industry for the past 12 years fighting with this every single day, and is not a healthy feeling, believe me.
I have a cronical pain in my arm now, hurts right now when I write this journal, because I blown my engine off and I continued pushing it until was too late. It's not something that don't let me do what I love, but sometimes the pain remember me that I pushed too hard.
I find this very interesting theory the other day, the Parkinson's law

He said that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion", a simple explanation is "If you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute to do". And if you think on that, it happens all the time! You think "ok I need to finish this painting for that client/school for the next week, and you can do it in 1 day but now, the damn painting -fill the time available- and you ended in the last minute. And if you continue doing this you will start to think, I'm not good because I waste too much time! I need to invest better my free time! and BANG! you end with a never ending job and no time for you.
I remember that people say that was great to work of what you love, why sometimes we feel guilty when you watch a movie or play a game? because we don't know how to manage our time, we spend too much time thinking that we spend to much time.
I need to wake up at 6am and work 10hours straight to be a better artist? Why we do this? We can create amazing things, we can love our jobs and what we do? We set an office schedule :S Why? because otherwise we feel like we are unproductive, procrastinating, etc etc.
We can do better things on less time, we do on deadlines, why we can't daily? I think that an artist don't have to push their engine to the top, an artist need a lot of interaction with the world and other creations to turn on the imagination spark again.
Otherwise we will finish working 24/7 and a low level of productivity.

This is my first entry so if you like please comment and remember that I speak Spanish, so if you find some bad sentences you can send me a PM and I will fix it :D Thanks!!!!!

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A quick video of composition -NO AUDIO by artbycarlos, journal

That's life, that's what all the people says... by artbycarlos, journal

Some steps from Sacrifaz by artbycarlos, journal

Blown engine by artbycarlos, journal